Monday, June 27, 2016

peace be the journey

hi loves!

a lot happened this week and it's hard to put it all into words and one email.  we learned and grew and deepened relationships and understood how to contact more effectively and remembered the vision of missionary work and there were just SO MANY GLORIOUS THINGS that i wanted to tell you about.  but as per always, time and its restraints make fools of us all, so we're just going to talk about the most important things today.

being a flawed human in the faulty realm of human existence, i've come to learn a lot of things as we've strived to participate in a divine work as a full-time servant of our Savior Jesus Christ.


this last week, reflecting on these things has been one of the most bittersweet things i've ever done.  part of me is just filled with pure gratitude and satisfaction and the other part of me is so worried about what i've done and haven't done, the depth of my love and commitment, whether or not i've actually done what the Lord wanted me to do here and whether or not i helped and found and loved all those He called me here to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with.  and in the midst of these worries, the Lord tenderly took my hand and taught me this lesson:

 "9 I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy.

 "10 And behold, when I see many of my brethren truly penitent, and coming to the Lord their God, then is my soul filled with joy; then do I remember what the Lord has done for me, yea, even that he hath heard my prayer; yea,then do I remember his merciful arm which he extended towards me." (Alma 29: 9-10)

He just reminded me that "my mission" isn't about me at all.  It is about Jesus Christ.  It's about His Atonement

and His way

(Source for both art pictures:

and His desires. And it's about seeing these people the way that He does, and giving all in my power AND His to invite and help them come unto the Savior that we all are in such great need of.  I feel like the only way to "return with honor" and endure to the end and have no regrets in missionary work and in life is to take a page out of the Savior's book and stop making these soul-shaping experiences about us.  When Christ came to save us, He came to SAVE US.  He didn't come to save us...aaand be super cool and make friends and see the world and become a hero and gain personal satisfaction and be admired and missed and loved and appreciated.  He came for the sole purpose of saving us, and the success of MY mission will not be measured only in what I learned and how I developed and who I've become and whether or not that's sufficient, but in how I use my agency and my faith in this very moment and seek to help the souls around me come unto Christ.  And because of a merciful God that allows us to choose ourselves, that's a choice that is NEVER too late or never too far away to make.  I am grateful.  I hope to make it my whole life.  But especially and always, I hope to make it today!

And lastly, D&C 76:22-24.

"22 And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!

"23 For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the Father—

"24 That by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God."

I just want to say that Christ truly is our Savior.  I know He loves us and that because of Him, we really can change.  We really can become new people and become closer to God and know that we are doing what we should be and that we're fulfilling our purpose and potential.  I testify of a living God who loves and wants to save and lift each of His children.  He's heard my prayers and He's heard the prayers of these people and His hand has been in it all.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true, and that is true with all it entails.  The Book of Mormon is the word of God, Joseph Smith was a prophet and we are being led today by a true and living prophet.  AND IT IS JOY!!  It is real!

Alma 32:35

"35 O then, is not this real? I say unto you, Yea, because it is light; and whatsoever is light, is good, because it is discernible, therefore ye must know that it is good; and now behold, after ye have tasted this light is your knowledge perfect?"

The love is real and so is the light.  Thank you for everything.  Grateful to get to love and serve

Sis. Hansen singing at Mission Conference in KZ 
(Photo credit: Sis. Diane Toronto)

and learn and follow the Savior all of my life.

Sis. Hansen with Pres. and Sis. Toronto at Mission Conference in KZ
(Photo credit: Sis. Diane Toronto)

Sister Hansen

Monday, June 20, 2016

No Subject

 hi mumma.  i read your email and cried.  i had a really, really, really good chat with president toronto this week during my final interview.  about a lot of things.  but one of the most important things we talked about, i think, was all of you and what to expect while adjusting and the things to keep in mind.  and i hope you know that i love you.  with all my heart.  and that even though of COURSE i'm sad to be leaving, i really am very excited to see all of you, and i know that a lot of wonderful things are in store for our time together.  so that's joyous :) anyway, sorry, we aren't emailing right now because sister symons has a headache and thinks it's a migraine and we're going to take her home to sleep it off.  but we'll try to find some time to write sometime later today or later this week (not tomorrow or the next day because zone conf...and then we have splits the next two days...but WE'LL TRY heh heh), at least.  sorry sorry :( and please say sorry to everyone i didn't get to write to.  but know that i love you all with ALL my heart and that i really do pray for you every day and that a lot of times it's just gratitude that comes out.  even though a mission and the gospel and the Lord have changed my life, that all started in our home and i don't have words to thank you for that.  but thank you anyway :) i love you!!  i love you i love you i love.  be strong and be happy and know that the Lord and the Savior and me are all on your side.  i love you!!  i love you and dad and taylor and mark and tia and all of you.  so so so much.  families are forever and aren't we lucky for that :) talk to you soon.  all the love and prayers in the meantime.
sister hansen

Monday, June 13, 2016

hope hope hope

hi loves!!

decided to make a rash decision and not just forward my president letter along...whaaaat.  it'll be short, but here are the thoughts for the week:

1. gratitude!  this is seriously such a powerful principle of the gospel.  it keeps us humble, helps us keep faith and increases our love for the Lord.  so here are some of my gratitudes for the week...

- alexander pushkin 


and his works and life

- sister i and her turning a pushkin themed fhe into a great thought on fidelity and why exact faithfulness is so important--in marriage and also in terms of our relationship with the Lord!

- seeing how something as simple as card games and real interaction soften hard hearts

- finding miracle people in the area book

- the Book of Mormon

- learning how to not be a doofus and buy ice cream in a muslim country in public during ramadan...(i bought it to give to a little kid that looked SO sad but then he disappeared and i was stuck with the guilt...score) sorry everyone

- mlc!!  prepping with the turkey zone leaders and elder t and President our plans for zone conference!  the turkey zone leaders are even coming and we're talking about a passion for finding and it will be JOY

- the fact that people change and that i get to see that miracle of the Atonement and the Lord working in people's lives every single day

- sister A!  the relief society president here who is just a QUEEN and such a good example of how to be a missionary and a person.  helped her, ate ice cream, felt the spirit, cried, etc

- "thank you for talking to people" - brother g

- saw the miracle of V, a woman we contacted because we contacted another man who ended up speaking english...she asked us if we could translate the terms on her microwave that were in english and that she'd written and carried around with her just in case...SO CUTE.  and she wants to come to church!!  so much potential!

- obedience and diligence

- repentance

- mosiah 28:3

"3 Now they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not bear that any human soul should perish; yea, even the very thoughts that any soul should endure endless torment did cause them to quake and tremble."

- sister symons and our laughter and our humility and how she keeps me sane and makes me better

- g, a former that moved back and is praying about a baptismal date

- the fact that brandon flowers is a mormon ("ah, mormons!  the leader of the killers is a mormon!" (shoutout to sister symons for thinking the girl we contacted that said this was talking about the kkk.  hahahahaah)

- sketchy corn dogs

- sunsets

- the sacrament

- the power of the Atonement!

2. really just feeling the acute need for repentance in my life.  every day, i see that i've come a long way and then realize HOW MUCH MORE the Lord deserves out of me.  and sometimes, when i'm trying to save the world and myself singlehandedly, i feel sad.  but most days, when i remember that truly, ONLY by grace we are saved and only through Christ are we justified, life is something we can do again.  grateful for humility.  grateful for the "new life" we find and new creatures we can become through Christ every day.  if i sound like i'm dependent and clingy, it's probably because i am!  and we all are.  and it's okay that we experience the valleys of godly sorrow like Nephi does in 2 Nephi as long as we ALWAYS remember the "nevertheless, i know in Whom i have trusted", too.

The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose
I will not, I cannot, desert to his foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I’ll never, no never, … no never forsake!

people can change!!  that is the promise of the gospel and it applies for everyone we know and love and maybe don't love and always for ourselves, too.  what a hope!  what a miracle!!  what a thing to work towards and live for and embrace and appreciate!  and what a privilege to see that daily.  which is neat because it's the promise of the Atonement, not just of a mission.

3. work work work.  this is such a sacred time and daily, satan's like "hey get distracted because THE ENTIRETY OF YOUR LIFE is coming up or at least just remember that THIS IS A REALLY SAD THING TO LEAVE and dwell on that okay or second guess that you've done enough or that you'll do enough before you leave or that you can change" and lots of similar things.  and there are moments when he gets me and i waste time being sad and doubtful and afraid and overwhelmed.  but that is the exact opposite of everything i have come to love and appreciate and work for and believe in, and i hope with allllll my heart to be able to tell the Lord that, along with Paul, I also fought a good fight, finished my course and kept the faith.  and that's something i hope i and you and all of us hold to and never ever ever stop doing for the rest of our lives.  missionaries, members, friends, whatever it may be, we're all people and we're all children of our loving Heavenly Father.  the people around us need the blessings of the Atonement as much and as often as we do and that's just our calling in life.  alma 43:1.

"1 And now it came to pass that the sons of Alma did go forth among the people, to declare the word unto them. And Alma, also, himself, could not rest, and he also went forth."

we can't rest.

so yeah.  just working on loving the moment, loving the Lord and loving these people a little bit more.  and it's joy.  leggggo.

the church is true and it's the Savior and it's our only path and hope for joy and for peace and for forgiveness and for purpose.  and the BEST NEWS is that if you don't know, you can know!!  He wants to share with us and to help us know and grow and become!  the Lord lives and loves us and loved ones, how good He is.

allllll the love and prayers always,
sister hansen

Monday, June 6, 2016

"i feel пловха"

(title courtesy of sister symons.  background: to say you feel sick in russian, you say "я чувствую себя плохо" (literally, i feel bad, and in this sense bad is pronounced = "ploha"). we ate sketchy plov (плов) the other day and felt the consequences...and she said she felt PLOVHA and i laughed for probably 20 minutes)

hi loved ones!!

and we're back to "excerpts of my letter to president plus occasional embellishments"...i hope you enjoyed the break but didn't get used to it :')

what a happy happy week!!  we are working hard and seeing miracles every day and being a missionary is super joyous.

Sis. Symons shopping on P-Day

on saturday i texted e and told her that we had been friends for a year and just that i was grateful that the Lord had let us meet and stuff and it was really tender.  that night she texted back and said really tender things in return, which was so cute and unexpected because she's not a really emotional person...and then i started crying because i just love her soo much and it kills me that she doesn't want the gospel right now.  and i'm not even worried because i know with all my heart that she has felt it and WILL accept it but i'm just really sad and selfish that it's not right now.  but that's okay.  i love her and the Lord does too and all will work out in His timing.  then on sunday this woman told me about how leaving missions are the worst thing ever and i cried for probably 15 minutes.  i think leaving this place might break my heart.  but it's okay because the Lord's plan is not one to be lived in the past!  good things are always on the horizon and the important thing is how we choose to live today.  so i'm just doing my best to live today and every today on the mission and throughout my life the way the Lord would want me to for His children as a disciple of Christ. and it is just suuuuch a happy way to live.  so grateful for all the good things in my life :)

also special shoutout to planning holla holla.  that changed this whooole week and all our time here.  Up until this point, Sister Symons and I had been struggling a little bit in understanding what to focus on...between contacting, the Area Book, less-active members and working with all the potential investigators we'd already found, we felt scattered and like we were constantly coming up short.  But this week, during our weekly planning session, we really decided to sit down and figure out what we want to do and see here and what steps we can take to make it happen.

And just like that, things have been so much better!  We know what we want to do every day and our studies and actions are determined by the goals and overall vision we have for our time together.  We feel like we have direction in the things we do and it's getting easier to make those choices between good, better and best.  Planning is something I've struggled with a lot of my life but actually, IT'S SUCH A BLESSING!!  Who would have thought?  I really see how when we take the time to planning effective, revelatory time, the week itself is more smooth and more revelatory because it's more focused on our purpose.  And with everyone and their MOM trying to remind me that one of these days, there's a plane taking me back to America, focusing on our purpose in such an effective and powerful way is something I need right now you feel me.

We saw lots of wonderful things happen this week.  We've started reteaching a less-active sister, Sister N, and she came to church for the first time in probably three years--WITH A FRIEND!!  It was so happy to see.  We started working with a lot of the solid contacts we've made lately, and even though not all of them are ready, Sister Symons and I are learning a lot about how to meet people where they are, share what we know and love with sweet boldness, and teach in unity with power, authority and the Spirit.  We just have found ourselves happier, and even though some days are still stressful,

our companionship is strong and we're able to keep each other sane and in line.  It's a really happy time on my mission.

last night we met with a man that we contacted last week.  he's a 35 year old physics professor who's single and seems kind of sad and in the beginning of the contact we had a suuuper interesting conversation about God.  he doesn't believe in God but rather a "higher mind".  as we asked questions and exchanged thoughts and he started to think in a different way, he got really defensive and then started telling me that i was dumb and closeminded and didn't know very much.  HELLO FIERY TEMPER THAT IS THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE.  we ended the conversation but he asked if we could exchange numbers and talk some more. -_- we took his number because Christ wouldn't have turned him away and then invited him to church on saturday.  he said he couldn't come but would like to meet.  we set up a meeting and invited the elders just in case and he came...and we taught the first two points of the plan of salvation...and by the end things had exploded again.  but the COOLEST thing was what Sister Symons

had reminded me about as we'd planned that morning--that whether or not he's ready to accept the gospel right now, this will be his first interaction with missionaries from our church which we claim to be the church of Christ.  that means that he should come away feeling the spirit and the love of Christ above all things.  during the lesson, things got pretty heated but we made it clear that we wouldn't fight.  Elder Teuscher ended up just saying "okay that's enough, thank you for using your agency, we're going to stop now" and he was about to leave--and then the spirit helped me testify to him that God loves him, that we're here not to force people into anything or to tell them that they're wrong but to share the things that have shaped and blessed our lives and that we know to be true and of God.  the spirit was really strong and we had a closing prayer that i felt super guided as i gave (which was really neat because on the mission especially, i've come to understand the kind of attitude we should have toward prayer and how it's not just pleasant but sincere, wholehearted work, and newsflash--that's not always easy!  so His help for that man was a real blessing) and he left. and where i usually would have felt sad or angry, i felt so good and happy!  and even though there are lots of people around us who may seem hard to love and get along with or share the gospel with, it just strengthened my testimony that the Lord wants to help all His children, and that requires us to love and serve them and to strive to treat them as Christ would, even when we ourselves wouldn't be naturally inclined to.  grateful that the Lord helps us love and serve beyond our own abilities.

Lastly, lately I've been thinking a lot about...a lot.  About the depth of my commitment to the Savior and how that's manifest to Him.  About development.  About teaching skills.  About Russian.  About how I've been using my time and about the habits I have and habits I'd still like to develop and mostly, about a loooot.  Yesterday, I was talking with G, Sister I and M, and we started talking about what my topic will be when I speak in church.  G said, "one month, right?", and we started to reminisce about how time moves and people change.  I joked about how I didn't know anything my first Sunday--about Russian, about being a person and a missionary, etc--and G said, "I don't agree with you.  From the very beginning, it was noticeable that your Russian was surprisingly good."  That meant a lot to me but it also got me first 5 months of my mission, various people of various nationalities told me that they had high expectations for my Russian abilities.  Which is cool.  But sometimes, when I look at how I started and where I am now, I feel like I didn't do as much with that as I could have.  The last few months I feel like I have continued to grow, and within the last month especially, but there was a time there when it seems to me that I could have done more.

That got me thinking about the general idea of regret and "what could have been", which came up this morning as I studied in the Bible.  Peter was the human embodiment of conviction and he loved the Savior with all his heart.  From the very beginning in Luke 5, he recognized the divinity of the Savior and desired to be close to Him, despite his own fault.  Time and time again, even after stumbling in his discipleship--falling in the water, denying the Christ, going back to his nets after seeing the resurrected Savior--he came back to Christ with wholeheartedness and a renewed sense of commitment, and even though maybe he didn't do it perfectly while the Savior was alive (which I thought of as an almost magical time for Peter, kind of like a mission is for me), he eventually got to the point after the exchange in John 21 when he changed forever and didn't look back.  It was so touching to see that the best of us falter and make mistakes, but that because of the Atonement, we truly all can gain a testimony of the fact that "it's never too early and it's never too late".  And it all just comes back to Philippians 4:11-13!

"11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.

 "12 I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.

 "13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

If we will simply follow the example of the New Testament disciples and

"forsake all and follow Him" (Luke 5:11),

He will take our little efforts and consecrate them for the benefit of our souls and those souls around us.  It's just all about the Atonement and all about Christ, and especially after taking the sacrament yesterday, I am so thankful for that.

last thing to leave with you is the joy of watching sister symons in a congo line following elder shaw...and having her hands lingering above his hips but not touching because that would be unconsecrated.  (we do service with people with disabilities and it was a holiday that day)  hahahahahh.  life is awkward and it is good.

that's all!  i love you all heaps and heaps.  the Lord is good and just manifests Himself so tenderly.  we never have to question whether or not He's actually there or listening because if we will just take steps of simple faith towards Him, He always always always gives us confirmation.  Alma 32:28, yo.

" 28 Now, we will compare the word unto a seed. Now, if ye give place, that a seed may be planted in your heart, behold, if it be a true seed, or a good seed, if ye do not cast it out by your unbelief, that ye will resist the Spirit of the Lord, behold, it will begin to swell within your breasts; and when you feel these swelling motions, ye will begin to say within yourselves—It must needs be that this is a good seed, or that the word is good, for it beginneth to enlarge my soul; yea, it beginneth to enlighten my understanding, yea, it beginneth to be delicious to me."

our souls start to enlarge and we see the fruits of light and kindness and love and greater ability to endure in our lives!  that is the promise of the gospel and of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and i testify that those things are real.  the church is true and the Book of Mormon is the word of God. have a happy happy week loved ones.  prayers always :)

sister hansen