(you're all of my homies) (congratulations) also, happy happy birthday my dear cute Gampy :) I hope you watch Nacho Libre
and spend time with the people you love and have a beautiful day.
Lots of things happened this week and there are SO MANY EXCITING THINGS HAPPENING IN THIS WORK (for real. this is the work of the Lord. this is His vineyard and His children that He knows exactly how to help them. it is so so so interesting to see how undeniably His hand is in the lives of the people here. also, i think KZ is probably the only place I know of where you can contact someone about religion and have them super passionately be like "no, I believe in my own God" and start defending their beliefs and then say "okay, have a good day" and have them change completely and wish blessings upon you and your families :) such good people. really really. and there's rain today so i guess I'm just trying to say that life is magical.) but probably the icing on the cake was our meeting with Elder Paul Pieper on Friday. He's the man that first brought the church to KZ and he was visiting for a religious conference and got to speak to our branch on Friday. It. was. amazing. Seriously. I was so humbled and energized in so so many ways, but I was especially touched by how personally he had worked with and for these people. It was seriously a call to repentance for both us and the members about how we do the work of the Lord here, but it was so good. And I know that it's possible. I know that this is the Lord's church on the earth again today and that He's never forgotten about any of His children. I know this is His work and because of that, it will go forth and we can see His hand manifest, even in our efforts that feel so small and meaningless. I know our Savior lives and that we need Him, and I know His grace is the reason WE have reason to be the happiest and most hopeful people in the world. And because I know, I am SO grateful to get to do something about it. tl;dr I'm learning a lot about how to get over myself and how necessary that is. But it is so good. And so it goes.
kontik. oh mahhh. you kind of do a tim tam slam with them and they're bomb. don't fret, your time is coming soon.
I love you people. So much. And I pray for and fast for and think about you and sometimes cry for you. Thank you for your examples and influences and love and support and for just being the people you are. This life is our chance to prepare to meet God! And because Jesus Christ lives, that is a happy fact :) I love you!! I love you I love you I love you. The end.
the dandelions in the mountains reminded me of dad
Sister Hansen
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