Monday, December 21, 2015

thus rejoicing, free from sorrow

Happy Monday, dear loved ones :) 

Christmastime is always a pensive one for me.  The opportunity to be on a mission is such a beautiful one.  There's so much to do and so many ways to do it every day. It's overwhelming and soul-stretching and life changing.  We walk frozen streets, seek to love strangers, testify to brothers and sisters, strive to rely on the spirit and hope to always remember the Lord that loves us and all His children so much.  There is a lot to do and be and become and change and it really is a rollercoaster of a life.  There are ups and downs and I'm just trying to enjoy the ride and sometimes, I feel like it's just going by too quickly.  But some days, when I take the time to remember what we're here doing and what it's all about, I just feel...something different.  Something a little more.  And that's what I'm feeling today. 

This week was a really lovely one.  We did a lot of contacting and met some amazing people.  We learned what it's like to experience -24 cel (-11 degrees Fahrenheit) weather and have people tell you it's still warm.  We said a hard goodbye to Sister Johnson.  

Sis. Hansen, Sis. Johnson and Sis. Slight

We met with a monster of a man with a heart just as massive as his beard who doesn't know yet that faith can have impact in his life, but saw so clearly the impact that faith has had on ours.  We went to a nursing home for elderly people and people with invalids and felt such distinct love.  We saw miracles--like I, the man who we met in a 5 minute interaction at the end of an inexplicable 1.5-hour wait at the post office who, the next day, came with his whole precious little family to hear more about the church and what we believe in and are just BEAUTIFUL people who want to know more, or the flower shop woman who was in a hijab but somehow was SO moved by the spirit in the little time we chatted with her, she hugged us and told us she loved us and that she respected what we were doing and that we need to see her more often and that we have known each other for longer than this (when we didn't even talk about the church at all except for the fact that we're Christian missionaries).  We got to serve others and learn how to love each other and be happy and to work together and it has been so so so good.  But out of a week's worth of miracles, the tenderest mercy was yesterday.

The Morrisons--our senior couple that are just so genuine and full of love and the ability to really SEE people and help people feel noticed and loved and enabled--spoke during sacrament meeting yesterday and talked about the reason for the season.  They talked about their families and traditions and service and love and the bright miracles and shows of love we see at this time of year.  But most importantly, they talked about Christ.

The One who makes it all possible.  

The One who paid the price and lived the life for all of us.  The One who took upon Himself the title of Man of Sorrow in order to extend comfort and hope and joy to us.  They just reminded me that it is all about Christ.  And I just sat there in the back sobbing my eyes out, because in a world and in a life when I feel like there is so much to do and be and work harder at and give, that is really the most important thing to stop and remember.  That He lives!  

That He is the reason for the season!  

That He paid the price and completed the Atonement! 

For you and for these Kazakh people and for the imperfect Sister Hansen.  That just gives life such a new meaning.  Doing service and loving others and seeking to be better is something we need and should strive toward.  But in thinking about it last night, I realized that even making deep and real sacrifices is only noble at best without Christ to give it meaning.  And how I hope to remember Him always. 

And so, I offer you this simple phrase...from Elder Christofferson in this month's Ensign :) 

"I think that is a lovely metaphor—just sit with the Lord and let Him warm you like a fire in winter. You don’t have to be perfect or the greatest person who ever graced the earth or the best of anything to be with Him.
"I hope you will take time this Christmas season to sit for a few quiet moments and let the Savior’s Spirit warm you and reassure you of the worthiness of your service, of your offering, of your life. Sit quietly with that little baby and come away spiritually strengthened and better prepared for all that is going to come later. Let that moment be one of rest and refreshing and reassurance and renewal."
I hope and pray that in this beautiful time of year where we remember Him, you and I will take the time to really feel it.  To really appreciate it.  To reevaluate and start again with Him.  To love and serve others and to share this love and light we have been so privileged to experience.  In the words of a song I came to love on the mission...
"Where shepherds lately knelt and kept the angel’s word,
I come in half-belief, a pilgrim strangely stirred;
But there is room and welcome there for me,
But there is room and welcome there for me.
Can I, will I forget how Love was born, and burned
Its way into my heart—unasked, unforced, unearned,
To die, to live, and not alone for me,
To die, to live, and not alone for me?"

Glad tidings, indeed :) I love you all heaps and heaps and wish you the happiest Christmas.  Pray for you always.  Talk to you soon :) 
aalllll the love,

sister hansen

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