Monday, April 13, 2015


(I typed this up from a letter that we received from Sis. Hansen today [04/13/2015] She was still in Russia at this time -- lh)


First of all, sorry for the lack of email today...hahaha I seriously spent maybe an hour pounding something out & then as I was writing my I love yous & such, my computer time ended. Pretty sure I literally just sat there with my mouth open until I started laughing really hard. Sometimes I act like things are super rough but I think Heavenly Father is trying to teach me to take things with humor. Work hard & be all in, but live with joy. I think He wants that for us just as much as we want that for ourselves. How good He is.

Second, it is now April 1st & I'm going to KZ today. It has been amazing, the things I've learned here. I've been in this ideal area with an ideal companion with an ideal apartment & life has been good, but there have been some times that were really hard. Not because the work is especially hard (even though sometimes it does feel that way) but because sometimes it's hard for me to do things the Lord's way. I thought by the act of coming on a mission I was showing Him & myself that I'm willing to do things  His way, but many times I still find myself growing in ways I didn't ask to grow. hahaha But things are only hard when I put MY expectations on a higher level than the Lord's. Slowly slowly slowly learning how to live & love His way, & even though it's a constant process, He is so patient with me. Anyway, I've learned that missionary work - that seeking to follow Christ in general - is hard & happy anywhere, and I'm learning to live with hope in that. Don't worry though, I'm not going to be too much of a crazy rad spiritual giant when I get home. I'm still Nela. Like I learned last week when my companion told me a girl we had contacted had told us she was Pagan (why don't I know this word in Russian?) & I laughed so hard I  hit my head on the table & got a goose egg. By the way, some happy facts I haven't shared with y'all bc my emails have been lame include:

- one time we were contacting & this super sweet woman took a Book of Mormon

& then gave us some delicious peach compote (it's just like fruit juice...kind of...) & I realized I'm the kind of person who would eat peaches given them by a random woman we met one night in Russia. Sorry, parents of the world.

- right now it's pretty much springtime & it's beautiful except that it got cold again one day so errthang froze over & I die on the daily. Also one time 2 weeks ago we were walking on this path through the snow & I barely stepped off the side & was in snow up to my thighs. #siberia

- the strollers here have sled bottoms instead of wheels #siberia

- I love figs now! & I decided that I want to eat what I want but feel good eating it so I'm going to learn how to cook! Who am I? (24601)

- yesterday we had one of the coolest lessons we've ever had with one of our investigators & her - suprise! - Jehovah's Witness friends who were there at the same time. hahaha But it was seriously amazing. More to come.

- one time a woman chewed me out for being an American but honestly, it is usually like a superpower. They love  Americans. I'm like a novelty & it's great bc I can make lame jokes & they laugh really hard bc American. #winning 

Long story short, this work is hard & I am a weenie still, & some days I just want to be home watching movies & eating ice cream with yous, but this work is also beautiful & I am learning to love it. Learning to find joy in the service of others. Thank you for everything you each have taught me about that! Also happy birthday on the 9th, Mum. Wish I were with you but just know you have all my love & prayers & thanks. Mums actually rule the world & I have learned so much from you.  So so so eternally grateful you're mine. Y'all better spoil her! 

Lastly, in the light of this beautiful Easter season, two quotes:

* "When Moroni fretted about the weakness of his writing, the Lord did not tell Him to repent. Instead, the Lord taught him to be  humble & to have faith in Christ. As we are meek & faithful, God offers grace - not forgiveness - as the remedy for weakness." 

Weaknesses are rad, because Christ lives & His strength & love are always enough to qualify our best efforts, small as they may be. Believe Him! [(this is all from a way good article on weakness vs. sin in this month's Liahona) You can click on the article to which she is referring right here -- lh]

* "Restoring what you cannot restore, healing the wound you cannot heal, fixing that which you broke & cannot fix is the very purpose of the Atonement of Jesus Christ...I repeat, except for the exception of the very few who defect to perdition, there is no habit, no addiction, no rebellion, no transgression, no apostasy, no crime exempted from the promise of complete forgiveness. That is the promise of the Atonement of Jesus Christ."  

He lives. He loves us - & each of you personally - with a perfect love, & I know all pain or wrong or sin or heartache is made right through Him. The Atonement - repentance & grace - isn't the backup plan, it IS the plan, & how sweet it is. Sunday always comes.

Love you heaps, my dear family. Mum & Dad & Tay & Mark & Tia & Kula. Pray for you always & miss you lots, but WE ALL GOOD. Have a happy week & talk soon.

Cectpa Hansen

P.S. Sadly can't effectively use pouch mail in KZ so don't reply to this address but I'll get you more on Monday! I love you!

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