Monday, May 2, 2016

rain rain rain comes down down down

Hello hello dear family!! 

What a week. Things were a little crazy up until at least far as figuring things out logistic things and learning how to get around the area and all those fun details. But even though understanding how to be a good team together and how exactly to accomplish what the Lord would like us to here is a process, things are much better and we feel much more settled. At the beginning, while things around us were hectic, I wasn't sure how we would learn to work together or be effective here. But this week we have seen a lot of miraculous things happen, both in missionary work and in our relationship as a companionship! First of all, Sister Symons is dynamite. 

I can tell she's the kind of person that has been a missionary for a long time. She has a really strong foundation of the gospel, both in understanding and in her personal testimony. She knows that members are the key and wants to testify to everyone about Jesus Christ! She's constantly opening the mouth and not allowing the language to be a barrier for her. Sometimes I feel like she's teaching me more than I'm teaching her. But I'm really grateful for this humbling time to get to serve together. I feel that the Lord is supporting and guiding us as we have righteous desires and seek to make righteous, faith-filled choices and it's a real blessing to get to serve here with her.

This week we really saw the power of the Book of Mormon 

and some of the blessings of contacting, both here and in Astana. In Astana, the sisters told us about some people Sister Slight and I had contacted that they are now meeting with and that are reading the Book of Mormon!! That was amazing, especially because one of the people that wants to meet with them is a girl I contacted on the bus a few months ago that Sister Slight and I BOTH knew we had to talk to...and pretty much shut me down after hearing that we were from church. We saw some of their influence here this week when we got a call from a random number and a man said, "excuse me sisters, but you promised me a Book of Mormon and I would really like that please." Miracle! We weren't sure who he was until we met with him and realized it was a man Sister Slight and Sister Peterson had contacted while they were down here in Almaty! He identifies more with Atheism because he's a scientist, but he really wanted a Book of Mormon and listened as we testified about it when we gave it to him. 

We really felt the spirit guiding us as he was with us, even though our interaction with him was short. On top of that, he asked about church and wants to come next week! And what makes allll of this EVEN BETTER is that that morning during church, we'd felt prompted to ask A--the girl that the sisters and I taught in November--to write her testimony in a Book of Mormon. We weren't sure who to give it to because there were a few people we were supposed to be giving BoMs to that day but once we met with Ab--that man--we knew that he was the reason. The Lord really guides the work, and I truly see that getting to share the message of the Restoration through the power of the Book of Mormon is strengthening both my faith and the faith of the people here. 

Along with that, this week we met with a man that we contacted earlier in the week and it was a really good learning experience. While we planned the lesson, we figured it would be best to talk about the Book of Mormon--sharing a simple background and then some answers to questions of the soul we have found. It ended up being a lot about Jesus Christ, and the lesson itself was really good, but he didn't really listen to us. He kind of heard our ideas and the things we shared from the Book of Mormon but then tried to teach us what he felt was true. It was like he always knew better than we did. We handled it the best we could and it turned out okay but was awkward and a bit frustrating, and in the end he said, "well, it doesn't matter that much anyway because there's basically no difference between religions anyway." He still took a Book of Mormon and we ended on fine terms but it taught us a huge lesson--that we need to testify of Christ and meet people where they are, but we always always need to do what it says multiple times in Preach My Gospel and share our unique message of the Restoration!! We had talked a bit about Joseph Smith with him and he didn't really listen to that, but we realized that when there ARE people that are listening, we need to share the message of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them in a clear, compassionate and astonishing way.

We realized today that members and their families are pretty much the key to missionary work here and anywhere in the world and are going to try really hard this next little bit to figure out how to work with them more effectively, especially to gain their trust and to help them share the gospel with their loved ones. We're really excited for the next few weeks and are going to work hard and do our part so the Lord can do His, and we feel that lots of good things are going to happen! One thing that gave me some hope this week, though, was meeting with Sister F. She told us her conversion story--which I'd heard before--but for the first time, I heard her say that she came to church two years after her initial invitation from the missionaries (good to know that I know Russian a little better now...growth! haha). TWO YEARS!! The missionaries that she loves and calls her own and that she thanks and praises and tells literally EVERYONE about have NO IDEA that they even helped her--and through her, her daughter and her friends--come unto Christ. As we're trying to work with members, non-members and contact to share the message of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, truly no effort is wasted. Not one!! We just have to do our part and trust the Lord. And it's such a joyous work to be a part of.

Last thing is just a thought about being made whole.  I thought about that a lot this week, especially because with the end looming ever nearer, sometimes I have a really hard time feeling like I've becoming or am becoming all that I could or should.  Which is a poisonous thing to do, I know, but it happens sometimes.  However, as I prayerfully studied this week, I found a lot of gems, including this one:

"Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague." (Mark 5:34)

In the end, all of us are flawed and come up short in one way or another.  And realizing the disparity between who we are and who we want to be is sometimes painful.  But I know with all my heart that what makes us whole isn't our cool abilities or talents or characteristics or even best efforts.  Our faith in Christ--the only one who IS whole--is what heals our hearts and changes our lives and characters. It's what enables us to have "no regrets" when we ourselves just aren't enough.  And I am so grateful for Him.  For His mercy, for His Atonement, for the times He has lifted me up and for His reality.  He really loves these people and He really loves us, and I pray and hope that you feel that as you walk on YOUR waters and battle through YOUR storms.

Love and pray for you always, my dear ones.  See you next week on skype :)
love love love,
sister Hansen

Sister Hansen

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